Hearing Loop System
The hearing loop begins at the sound source. Using microphones or feeds from existing sound systems, this signal is sent to an induction loop amplifier which generates a current to be sent along the loop wire. With the amp driving current through the copper loop wire, a magnetic field is induced; this magnetic field is then picked up through a t-coil in a hearing aid or cochlear implant where it is picked up by the listener free of any ambient background noise or reverberation. This results in a clearer signal from the sound source and aids greatly in speech intelligibility.
Hearing loops are the only assistive listening system to send clear, pure sound directly to hearing aids. They are the international standard for universal access.
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Sound and Video System Experts serving New England including MA, NH, RI, ME, CT, and VT since 1951
Contact us at: info@newenglandhearingloop.com | 800.786.1556
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